Bunions can be a real nuisance, making practically every type of shoe uncomfortable. Highly skilled podiatrist Alexander J. Pappas, DPM, is a board-certified foot and ankle surgeon who offers the best in bunion solutions, tailored to your needs. Dr. Pappas works in three locations in Hudson, Brooksville, and Lutz, Florida, so book your appointment by phone or through the online scheduler now.

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What is a bunion?

A bunion is an uncomfortable bony bump that grows on your main big toe joint, the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint. As the MTP joint pushes out from the base of your big toe, your big toe slants toward your smaller toes, possibly even overlapping your second toe. 

Bunions can vary in both symptoms and appearance, ranging from mild and barely noticeable to quite severe and debilitating. 

What are the symptoms of bunions?

The symptoms of bunions can include:

  • Hard bump at the bottom side of your big toe
  • Discomfort
  • Red skin
  • Big toe stiffness
  • Calluses or corns on the bump, on top of nearby toes, or on the ball of your foot
  • Shoes feel too tight or uncomfortable

Because bunions often occur along with other foot deformities like hammertoe, you may also have other symptoms affecting your smaller toes. 

What causes bunions to develop?

Bunions occur with pressure on your MTP joint. Many different factors can contribute to pressure on this joint, including your inherited natural foot shape and structure. Rheumatoid arthritis, foot injuries, and neuromuscular conditions may cause bunions, as well. 

Wearing tight shoes that push your toes together and change your weight distribution significantly — for example, high heels — may play a role also. Possibly due to this, bunions are 10 times more common among females. 

How are bunions treated?

Dr. Pappas recommends individualized bunion treatment plans. If you start bunion treatment early, nonsurgical care can usually stop bunion growth and relieve discomfort. Your nonsurgical care may include taping, splinting, padding, custom orthotics, changing your shoes, anti-inflammatory medication, and icing. 

If your bunion is large or doesn’t respond to conservative treatments, surgery can help. Dr. Pappas can expertly perform a variety of different corrective procedures to eliminate the bump and reposition the bones and tissues in your foot. 

Whether you have conservative care or bunion surgery, Dr. Pappas helps you make changes that maintain your foot structure after your treatment. This may include long-term changes in footwear and wearing custom orthotics on a daily basis. These measures help you avoid a bunion recurrence.

If you have a troublesome bunion or simply want to stop your small bunion from growing into a big one, call Alexander J. Pappas, DPM, or click on the appointment scheduling tool now.